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3D-Printed item for sale

Left-Hand Grip for Hasselblad V Series

About this item:

Just like most of the 3D-printed items on the market, this was created to improve the handling of your precious and legendary Hasselblad. There are stock versions of this grip, but they always felt awkward (at least to me).

  • Incorporated deep finger grooves for secure and comfortable grip.
  • Integrated shutter release cable channel.
  • Fits most palm sizes.
  • Light but sturdy, does not add much to the weight of the camera *
  • Printed in high-resolution for a smooth finish.

Asking price: $25
(Plus shipping – $8)

This item is printed to order. First place your order by making your payment, then you’ll receive a notification with the print lead time and shipping tracking number.


Things to know about your 3D-printed item

To preserve the original colour of PLA, you can use a UV-resistant varnish to coat your prints.
When you place PLA under normal room temperature, it can last for a very long time – say 12 to 18 years. Depending on where and how you store it, 3D printed objects made from PLA can last from a month, to 2 years and up to many years. It can break down at different rates depending on its environment.

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